The Pros and Cons of Height Adjustable Desks

In recent years, height-adjustable desks have evolved from being a trendy office item to a sought-after feature, largely due to the growing awareness of the negative health impacts of prolonged sitting. While some experts claim that “sitting is the new smoking,” the truth is that many medical professionals now recognize the potential dangers of a sedentary lifestyle.

Height-adjustable desks provide a glimmer of hope for office workers by offering the flexibility to alternate between sitting and standing. However, despite the benefits, these desks may not be suitable for everyone. It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a purchase. In this article, we’ll break down what you need to know.

The Pros of Height Adjustable Desks

Health Benefits An average office worker sits for around 15 hours a day, which includes time spent at home. The health risks associated with extended sitting are well-documented. Studies show that sitting for more than 8 hours a day can increase the risk of early death, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.

The primary benefit of a height-adjustable desk is its positive impact on health. These desks encourage workers to move around more frequently by providing the option to alternate between sitting and standing. But the health benefits are just the beginning.

Improved Productivity Research has found that productivity tends to increase when employees work while standing. People often feel more motivated to complete their tasks, leading to a more efficient workday.

Boosted Mental Activity Standing at a desk can increase brain activity by up to 20%, according to experts. This heightened cognitive function can lead to quicker and higher-quality decision-making.

Time-Saving Increased productivity naturally leads to more efficient use of time. Some studies indicate that height-adjustable desks can boost work efficiency by at least 10%. Additionally, employees with fewer issues related to prolonged sitting (such as back pain) are less likely to take time off, contributing to fewer absences and more time dedicated to completing projects.

Cost Savings Less absenteeism and higher productivity contribute to significant cost savings in the long run. In fact, a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering found that German companies lose around €35 million annually due to absenteeism and reduced productivity linked to back problems. With fewer employees missing work, businesses save money in the long term.

Better Meetings Research from behavioral experts shows that communication is often more effective when people are standing. In standing meetings, participants tend to speak more confidently, which can improve overall meeting performance.

To learn more about these advantages, visit our blog on the benefits of height-adjustable desks: DeskStory.

The Cons of Height Adjustable Desks

While height-adjustable desks offer clear health and productivity benefits, there are some downsides to consider.

Improper Use One major con is that employees may not experience the full benefits of a height-adjustable desk if they are not given proper guidance on how to use it. Dr. April Chambers from the University of Pittsburgh warns that without clear instructions on setup and usage, these desks may fail to deliver the expected benefits, making them a poor investment.

Not Ideal for Creative Tasks Some argue that creative tasks, such as writing or designing, are more challenging when standing. This could be a drawback for workers in creative fields who need to focus while remaining seated. However, with the flexibility of height-adjustable desks, employees can switch between sitting and standing to match their needs.

Standing Risks It’s important to note that standing for prolonged periods also carries risks. Issues like poor posture, sore feet, and joint stiffness can arise. Alternating between sitting and standing throughout the day is key to maximizing the benefits of these desks.

Higher Cost Height-adjustable desks are generally more expensive than standard desks. However, considering the long-term health and productivity benefits, the investment can pay off over time.


Height-adjustable desks can be a valuable addition to any workspace, offering a range of health and productivity benefits—provided they are used correctly. At ERGO, we offer a variety of height-adjustable desks, including our flexible Flexure desk with a telescopic frame, and our durable desk, designed for maximum strength with minimal weight.

If you’re looking for the perfect height-adjustable desk for your office, contact the friendly team at ERGO today. We’ll help you find the ideal fit.

Visit Us:
10 Ubi Crescent, Ubi Techpark, Lobby B #01-21 Singapore 408564

For more desk options, check out our internal link here: DeskStory.